Category: News

News about Selenis content marketing or corporate social responsibility projects

Selenis to launch Tuborg Romania’s “Green Umbrella” Campaign website


The Romanian brewer United Romanian Breweries Bereprod (Tuborg Romania) has launched a new website for their environmental initiative “Green Umbrella” Campaign, realized by Selenis. The agency was in charge of the research, marketing strategy development, information architecture, graphic design, front and back-end development, and content …

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Selenis to launch an online corporate platform for Heidelbergcement’s companies in Romania


The operations of the Heidelbergcement companies in Romania (Carpatcement Holding, Carpat Betoane and Carpat Agregate) have now a unified corporate website (, developed by Selenis. The agency was in charge of the research, information architecture development, graphic design, front and back-end development, and content creation/adaptation. The corporate …

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Selenis to launch Tuborg Romania’s corporate online pressroom


Selenis launched the corporate online pressroom of the Romanian brewer United Romanian Breweries Bereprod (Tuborg Romania), that can be viewed at The agency was in charge of the research, marketing strategy development, information architecture, graphic design, front and back-end development, and content creation for the website. Tuborg …

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